Their World and Silent Cycle of Self-Enslavement
You are born into their world. Your parents are forced to register you and soon finger-print you so that they can control your movements and determined your worth. If your parents were not economically secure enough to have you, then your arrival has enslaved your parents even more to take a loan or spend money they are yet to earn. Food, drink, shelter all costs because they have placed economic value on the land that they have stolen, yet if your parents try to steal it back, they will enforce their law (which is based on land ownership rights or possession onto the very people they stole the land from).
If your parents were born into their twisted biblical philosophy of “go forth and multiply”, coupled with the self-hate enforced on them by colonialism, slavery, apartheid, etc, they are ill-equipped to make a decision that is to the benefit of you, your community, your country or your planet. I say this because they will have to sacrifice themselves to the system to give you all that they think you need according to what they have been brainwashed. They will buy disposable diapers / nappies, because it is cheap, yet poisonous to the very planet that you will have to live in once they are long gone. They will buy the latest outfits that their media sells as cute and trendy for the new parents to get for their kids. They will save for your education or disguised Euro-cation that will enslave you as an African even more than your enslaved parents are doing unwittingly. Your mother has been your primary teacher and no one asks, what if your mother is just a mental slave euro-cated by the very slave master to enslave you. Who needs the ropes and chains, when your own parents share the slave-masters info to enslave you? Ironic, isn’t it. You attend their schools, read their books, watch their TV, listen to their music, where their brand name clothing, play their play-station, spend your family money to enrich them and wonder why Africa remains on its knees.
Your primary school euro-cation could also be seen as a holding pen to prepare you with only enough information to work for them. If you think I am crazy, then why are you never taught to start your own companies, but instead to find a job in theirs. All the while you are fed advert after advert, cartoon after cartoon, one blood thirsty game after the next until you mimic their decadence, their disrespect for elders, their disregard for life, their destruction of the planet and hopeless and their macabre advertising of darkness and selling negativity as news . You counter their darkness with religious or spiritual search for external Godliness, when internally you hold the essence of God. Yes, they have even infiltrated the very religions we run to and shifted its focus from empowering our God-selves to bowing down to their images. They strip away our belief and greatness by twisting the truth from literature to scripture to novels to media, they have a hand in glorifying themselves and demonizing the masses. See they control what you read and see. They own the networks that get information to the masses. They own the media and can thus decide what you are allowed to read or see or learn. In a blink of an eye they can turn a people’s hero into a terrorist, they can make the whole world call its greatest entertainer a whacko and have millions celebrate the killing of an unarmed human being. They can make the colour black be associated with evil, while white is associated with purity and cleanliness. They remove the title of creators of rock music from African Americans like Chuck Berry and Little Richard and hand it to Elvis Presley and the whole world keep quiet and let’s it be. They can make Egypt seem like it not a part of Africa with movies featuring white skinned people, when the Kemites / Egyptians were black. They can even make the symbol of Christianity, Jesus Christ, look more like a Swede, than the blackman he truly was. For if the Son of God is white, then what colour must God be? So you bow down to their image every Sunday and wonder why your Mom or Dad changes their accent when white people call the house. They made you believe that Adam and Eve were white in all the books you read, but Africa is the cradle of civilization and humanity. It is proved that all modern human being descended from the San, so should Adam and Eve not look like the San? All peoples come from Africa, so Africa means Human and race is just a lie and all people are mixed from that very first San people. However, this is not taught in their schools or universities, because it does glorify them. In fact, try telling this to your teacher or lecturer and ask that it be included in the history textbook to give Africans and Africa back its self-worth. They will demand that you supply the proof in triplicate from someone that has a degree from their institutions. You see, only they can credit you with that accreditation. How can we the people allow their slave master to continue to educate and inform their people?
You finally complete school of university if you are lucky and have become your parents. You have a huge debt of the student loan you took and have to search for job, because your parents were not able to supply all their children with a home. You don’t only have the student loan, but have to pay to survive in their world where you don’t make your own food or farm or own anything. In fact, you are just a supplier of a skill for their empire to grow and you the modern day slave can do just enough to live pay-check to play-check. In fact, that is how they sell your life to you. Your pay-check is divided into repaying credit cards, student loans, rent, phone-bill, food bill, light bill, petrol bill, school fees, car loan, etc. Usually this adds up to your entire pay-check or even leaves you in debt. The irony of it all is that when our ancestors were slaves, the accommodation, food and water was supplied by the slave master. Today’s slaves pay the slave master, now known as the estate agent, back for rent, water and visit their stores for food and other survival needs you might have. How do a people put their survival in the hands of their enemy?
By this stage of your life, you have met someone and society demands of you to settle down and have a child or children of your own. Can you now see that the cycle of enslavement has become a silent cycle of self-enslavement? We have internalized their silent mission from one generation to the next, since our ancestors were mentally brainwashed with their information. Only when you know this information, can you step away from it and create and alternative path. I always find it interesting when people say that it’s just the way it is. WHY? It is way it is because they made it seem to be the norm. In the same way that they created this norm, you/ we can create a new norm that sets us free from their cycle of enslavement. It begins today … with you
Give thanks and praises! Your words are the first step to a revolution that never happened...YET! I got your back;)