Friday, April 19, 2013

Emile YX? & Mixed Mense new CD now available

I wrote this song with some youth I work with from Lavender Hill on the Cape Flats. Its about the provinces intention of building a mall at a heritage site called Princess Vlei. 

Please have listen and let me know what you think.
Also please join me on my music Facebook Page  
Please help to save our vlei and heritage by signing the petition 

Mixed Mense
Mixed Mense is a practical performance Hip Hop school that I started with kids that Heal the Hood Project and Emile YX? has been working with from Lavender Hill for the last 8 years.  Stefan aka B-boy Mouse, Leroy Phillips aka B-boy Malis and Charlton Eftha aka B-boy LangGenoeg have been teaching for Heal the Hood in various communities.

Emile Jansen (aka Emile YX?) has decided to share the experience he has gained over the last 30 years of being involved with entertainment through Hip Hop culture as a break-dancer/ b-boy and rapper with Black Noise, with these youths. Last year Emile assisted the British Council by sharing a concept called “Mixing it Up”. The idea was to combine Hip Hop culture dance styles with local dance styles and music like Zulu traditional, Namastap, S’bujwa, Gumboot, Pantsula and others. Prior to sharing this concept for the play, Emile had run a website called “Mixed Mense” that dealt with the search for identity and sense of self-worth among the positive s-called coloured community. The site showed that if all people came from Africa, then we are all African and that RACE IS AN ILLUSION, but in South Africa the impact Apartheid’s racism still stereotypes races according the lies of its time. The only way to change this is to learn about each other and see that we are more similar than different. This is the learning process that I am taking these youths through in a way of healing their heads about themselves. I have taught them the skills of rapping and break-dancing, now I wish heal their heads and become confident men.   
 Brief History of Activities
2012 – Preparation & performance, recording an album and addressing various issues that are related to their daily experiences. This 12 track album will give the real experience of writing and recording their songs, how to release an album, record a music video, write a book and document the experience as a documentary. They will also contribute to Emile YX? 7th CD, which is a B-boy CD, that will go along with the documentary “From B-boys to Being Men”. Stefan Benting aka B-boy Mouse got to travel to Sweden earlier in 2012 to talk about the documentary. We plan to have the CD ready for the end of April and at least a music video and group poster by then.
 Future Activities
2013 – We have been performing and promoting Mixed Mense at huge festivals like “the Switching on of the Lights in Cape Town and Concert in the Park.  We are also planning a huge fund-raiser to tour locally, nationally and internationally. We will record a documentary about the entire process of preparing for tour. The Emile YX? and “Mixed Mense” tour throughout South Africa will take place in September, October and November 2013. African Hip Hop Indaba, will see Mixed Mense release their 2nd Album and documentary. December will see the crew touring regionally and nationally for the African Battle Cry.              
 For More Information please call Emile YX? Jansen at 021 7060481 or 0823958125 Email:-